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Getting to Know ECG for the First Time – Daiwei School is in Session
Release Time:2022-04-29 15:45


Before starting your learning journey, did you know what a veterinary ECG machine is?

With the fast pace of life, it's a good habit for us humans to schedule two annual check-ups for ourselves, and among the tests we undergo, the electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the diagnostic tools. A pet ECG machine is an instrument used for diagnosing heart diseases in animals. It's one of the four routine examinations widely used in clinical settings and is used to record the activity waveforms of the heart's bioelectrics.

When there isn't a major outbreak of infectious diseases, heart diseases account for a significant percentage of pet mortality. Pet heart diseases can be congenital or acquired. Most of them are acquired, usually caused by infections, heart failure, or injury to the heart. These conditions are common in middle-aged and older pets, and the older the pet, the higher the risk of acquiring heart disease. Responsible pet owners should remember to have their beloved pets' hearts checked regularly.

When should you have your pet's heart checked?

Pet owners should pay attention when their pets exhibit the following symptoms:

Sudden paralysis of the hind legs, purple tongue

Abnormal rapid breathing, difficulty breathing

Low spirits, recurrent coughing

Loss of appetite, abdominal bloating

Pale gums, oversensitivity to sounds

Note: Abdominal bloating may not necessarily be a heart condition; it could also be due to conditions like abdominal effusion or abdominal cysts.

Can a pet ECG machine provide a direct diagnosis of heart disease?

No, it cannot!

Diagnosing heart diseases requires a combination of several examinations:

First, a physical examination is performed, including taking the animal's temperature (via the rectum), measuring pulse rate, and counting respiration rate. Afterward, the diagnosis is made by evaluating the results of multiple tests, including animal ECG, animal ultrasound, animal digital radiography (DR), blood tests, and biochemical analysis.

ECG machines are particularly effective in diagnosing arrhythmias and myocardial infarctions and can be invaluable in diagnosing other heart conditions.

Dayi Pet Medical has years of experience in research and development and boasts a mature product line and a skilled team, providing technical equipment support for the advancement of pet health. So, how is Dayi Pet Medical's ECG machine used? Join us for the next lesson in Dayi School to learn more about Dayi Pet Medical's ECG machine.