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Scientific Research on Guppy Gonad Ultrasound Examination
Release Time:2023-10-07 11:50

We have received a call from an animal research institute in Yunnan, and they have requested that Dawei Veterinary Medical demonstrate the process and method of using the L3-VET animal color Doppler ultrasound diagnostic instrument to examine the gonads of angelfish.未标题-17.jpg

Axolotl: I am an axolotl, scientific name Ambystoma mexicanum. I am an amphibian, specifically a salamander, and can grow up to two meters in length. I primarily inhabit caves, rock clefts, and deep pools in rivers and streams at elevations below 1000 meters. My diet consists of fish, shrimp, crabs, and other aquatic creatures. I have been designated as a protected species due to my importance in wildlife genetics conservation.


As a professional Chinese manufacturer of veterinary ultrasound equipment, we provide not only devices but also services. The Clinical Technical Support team at Dawei Veterinary Medical (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. offers technical support to our customers. Based on our customer's requirements, two engineers collaborate to perform gonadal ultrasound examinations on axolotls used in artificial breeding.

One engineer immobilizes the axolotl's head to keep it steady, while the other uses a linear array probe to locate the approximate position of the gonads on the axolotl's body.

They employ a continuous parallel scanning method. After obtaining an image of the selected gonad, they move parallel to this section and perform continuous scans along multiple parallel sections. This allows them to observe the development of the gonads through successive sonograms.

Additionally, after selecting a particular image, without moving the probe's position, they gently change the probe's angle relative to the axolotl's body to observe the gonadal development from different perspectives.


Comparing the ultrasound images obtained with the L3-VET animal ultrasound diagnostic device to anatomical drawings provided by the customer, the imaging results closely resemble the actual anatomical structures. Furthermore, the procedure involves no radiation and allows for extended, repeated examinations.

Note: The text provided is an English translation of the Chinese text.


During continuous dynamic observation, we use cross-sectional images from various orientations to see the three-dimensional changes in the axolotl's gonads, enabling us to assess the development of the gonads.

Subsequently, the axolotl is returned to the water, which acts as a coupling agent, resulting in even clearer sonographic images. The L3-VET is equipped with a waterproof probe that allows ultrasound examinations to be conducted on axolotls both on land and in the water.


Our clinical engineers collaborate with researchers via remote video during the ultrasound diagnostic process, sharing the examination methods and results in real-time. The researchers expressed their satisfaction with the L3-VET animal ultrasound diagnostic device, stating that it meets their needs perfectly and is convenient to carry. It greatly assists them in determining the gender ratio of wild axolotl populations.

Providing equipment support for animal research is one of our ongoing commitments. Over the years, Dawei Veterinary Medical has never ceased to advance, driving the development of veterinary medical instruments and infusing the animal research field with our contributions. We cherish the lives and health of animals, safeguarding the development of the animal research industry.

Empowering Scientific Farming:

The L3-VET veterinary ultrasound diagnostic device also holds significant importance for the large-scale breeding of axolotls.

Due to their high nutritional value and economic significance, the artificial breeding of axolotls has become a key project in agricultural industrialization and specialized agriculture. The development of gonads plays a crucial role in axolotl reproduction.

Farmers need to understand the status of axolotl ovaries to induce artificial spawning. Traditionally, the maturity of ovaries was judged based on experience, which had limitations. Using B-mode ultrasound for assessment allows direct monitoring of ovarian development, providing a scientific basis for the artificial breeding of axolotls.

We persistently uphold the principle: 

"Product is king, service is supreme." Over the years, we have delved deep into the field of animal medical devices. We consider quality as our dignity and innovation as our foundation. We continually drive technological innovation to enhance the competitiveness of our products. Our goal is not only to provide the code for deciphering animal research but also to offer technical support and equipment for the development of pet hospitals and animal husbandry.